Moving Forward with Other Passions

So I have not written much on this blog and I realized why….because I want to write about health 95% of the time and the other 5% about anxiety or marriage!

I just haven’t seen how it connects really to the The Enterpreneurial Wife. So I’ve created a second blog specifically for health! And if you would like to read any of my health-related blogs there, please follow me at

When I do talk about family, faith, and our business I will continue to post here, but I’m super excited about the next blog and hope that one day I can turn it into something really big, especially when I get my nutritionist’s certification in the future to get some credentials to back up all my research.

But between my own IBS issues, my husband’s cancer, and the slew of autoimmune issues in my family, I have found myself passionately geeking out on health related topics and have found a deep understanding of gut health and a growing understanding of how genes also affect our health and how to work with them, not against them. I will be discussing all of this on MamaGuts and hope you can join me there when the topics interest you.

As for marriage– Owen and I did create and will update that on occasion but it has taken a bit of a back-burner while we work on our business together. But as I see more and more divorce taking place around me and knowing its damaging effects on me, I’m thinking about starting an Instagram page at least where I can post some stats and quotes to raise awareness about the damage of divorce on kids. Keep your eyes out for that!

Until then, see you on FB, IG, or on MamaGuts in the comments.




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